t s n rror to us s t on r st r s ow n t on n o pp t on yon pp t on v

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" beyond application level

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Ngày đăng: 05/05/2019 Lượt xem: 89.840 In bài viết

    It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition= "MachineToApplication" beyond application level

    It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.  This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS

    In some cases this could be caused by creating another sub-folder in your project and you added another Web.config file which has the same filename as the other Web.config file in the root folder.

    To resolve this error, rename your newly added Web.config file to another name.
maiductuan@gmail.com, maiductuan@gmail.com

                 MAI ĐỨC TUẤN
        Soạn thảo và Bảo mật

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Liên hệ: 0888512238; mail@mdt.vn

Decimal symbol and digit grouping symbol are incorrect for the Swiss language locale in Windows
Set True "Enable 32-bit Applications" for your default application pool if you are running on x64 machine.
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Địa chỉ: 252 Nguyễn Văn Linh, Q. Thanh Khê, TP. Đà Nẵng
Email: maianhminh.dng@gmail.com
Website: http://tintuc.mdt.vn
mien trung, da nang, quang binh, viet nam, phap luat, quy dinh, toi pham, an ninh, quoc phong, du lichkinh nghiem, thu thuat, lap trinh, meo may tinh, cong nghe, thiet bị viet nam, phap luat viet nam, thu vien phap luat, lam theo phap luatphan cung, phan mem, virus, tien ich, ung dung, tin hocthiet ke web aspx, thiet ke website gia re, thiet ke web chuan seo, lien he: 0905512238 - Mr Tuan, maiductuan@gmail.com
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